The 2018 Better Together conference was another great success for the LGBTIQ community. It was held on January 12th and 13th, which was on a Friday and Saturday, at Melbourne Town Hall in Victoria Australia, and had over 600 attendees. In fact, one session entitled, “Post Marriage Equality Discussion," was packed so full, more chairs had to be added.
The Main Topics of This Years Conference
Focusing on intersecting minorities, everyone in the acronym from the “L” (lesbian) to the, “G” (gay) to the, “B” (bisexual) to the “TIQ “ (Transgender, intersex, and queer) was included and were represented.
Also included in the sessions were…
• Viewpoints about being LGBTIQ
• Stories from different areas that included rural and regional
• Bisexual visibility workshops
• A queer Muslims panel
• Discussions on a variety of topics such as family, faith, disability, and more
When asked if he thought that in the 1975 discussion, marriage would have even been mentioned, Gardiner replied, “ No, I don't think so."
How The Better Together conference Began
The Better Together conference was first held in 1975 and was run by a committee of volunteers as well as an organization called, “the Equality Project”, which was created by a man in Melbourne and his advocate, of a long time, Jason Tuazon-McCheyne.
Some Highlights of the Better Together conference
Tuazon McCheyne opened the conference by saying the whole purpose for it, was to bring the various groups of the LGBTIQ communities together, so they could get where they needed to be faster, claiming marriage equality had taken much too long.
The discussion began with a shout-out of victory by, Wil Stracke (the union campaigner) who shouted out happily, "I'm getting married!" Also, a recapping of the postal survey campaign then went into discussing the next movement steps and missteps.
The co-chair of the campaign, Anna Brown, who works for the Human Rights Law Center as a legal advocacy director, stated that, although it gave her hope to see how many people took part in marriage equality, the community should not get too excited since they still had a long way to go like changing the birth certificate laws for Transgender. She also went on to say they needed to work out how they will move forward while utilizing the great work that so many people put in for such a long time. Brown also expressed her feelings of being obligated to address the Transgender issues, which was one of the main reasons for the campaign.