Lush Cosmetics has been known to deliver the most organic, completely vegan and natural products on the market today. If you happen to love vegan products, or a company that stands up for what they believe in, you are in for a real treat!
Discover who you were meant to be with Lush’s newest product called, Inner Truth! Inner Truth is a bath melt made out of luxurious ingredients such as organic cocoa butter, almond oil, sweet wild orange oil and its featured ingredient, bergamot oil. Inner Truth is also completely vegan friendly and none of the ingredients, or even the product itself, have been tested on animals.
But, that isn’t the best part about Inner Truth…
Here’s the real deal with Lush’s new product: 100% of all of the proceeds will be donated to supporting the rights of all transgender people! The money donated will go to organizations such as the National Center for Transgender Equality, the Canada Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity and other centers working to aid transgender people and assist in fighting for their rights. Trust me, us trans folks could always use some extra lovin’!
What is really fantastic about this company, is that Lush has a history of supporting LGBTQ rights. Support like this can be found in 2014 when the company countered Russia’s gay propaganda ban with their “Signs of Love” campaign that encouraged people to draw pink triangles on their hands to show their support and love for the LGBTQ community. Not only that, but they also launched a “Gay is OK” golden soap bar that raised more than $425,000 to all be donated to LGBTQ centers.
In addition to their history of supporting LGBTQ rights, Lush shows their dedication and support for trans people by stripping all of their usual products on display and replacing them with the Inner Truth bath melt, quotes from trans people, statistics of trans people and even definitions of words like, “gender identity” or “non-binary”, which are both words important to beginning to understand trans people.
As well as showing support in stores, Lush shows support on all fronts, even online. Lush has gone as far as to host interviews with a diverse amount of trans people from all faucets of the world on how to be a trans ally. If you continue looking through their site, they also have great resources for understanding trans terms, how to be a great ally, and even how to continue to advocate for trans rights! It is such a sight for sore eyes to see that such a well-known, well branded company like Lush is pushing so strongly for real change for LGBTQ rights, acceptance, and education. If anyone is looking for a prime example of how to be an ally or how to show your support, THIS is the way to do it! Inner Truth is just another way to spin a product that helps everyone. Together, this is just another win in our big, gay book.